Best ways to keep plants alive while away

The Best Ways To Keep your Plants Alive While Your Away

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Keeping plants alive can be difficult when you’re away from home, and keeping your plants well can be a real challenge. As a civilization, vacations have become an essential part of our lives. We look forward to getting away during the warmer months.  

You’ve been hard at work planting, weeding, and watering your garden to make it a beautiful and welcoming area. Everything is healthy and lush thanks to your care, but you’re worried about how a vacation may damage your plants. Brown Tips - keep plants alive

You may have visions about returning to withered plant carcasses trying to pull themselves to water due to your care. Exhale, all of us have.

You can finally take a vacation just as the weather turns hot and dry and they require your care the most.

Taking care of your plants is something you take seriously as a responsible gardener, but you don’t have to spend the entire summer indoors.


depend on your neighbors to keep your plants alive? In my opinion, not.

 Water your plants well as you can before leaving, move potted plants into the shade, and if you’ll be away more than a few days to a week, it’s time to recruit a helping hand to keep plants alive.

For the time being, you can inquire whether your neighbors would be willing to care for your plants while you are away.
Only to realize that they too, are going.

But seriously, stretch that attention span a little and read the details of our expert tips. You’ll be glad you did.

Gushing water washing hands
Keep your plants watered- gone fishing in a boat

It's crucial that you keep your plants well-watered at all times.

Automated watering systems don’t use electricity and keep your plants alive and well-watered even when you’re not there to monitor them.

Making your own system to water your plants while you’re away is also an option.


Outdoor seating area under trees in the shade at the beach with water view

When you aren’t able to water your potted plants or hanging baskets for a few days, they will appreciate some shade.

Container plants benefit greatly from the soil remaining moist for an extended period of time due to the fact that the soil dries out more faster in containers than it does on the ground.

Related  Content- How to keep your plants happy and healthy. 

When the weather gets hot and windy, I transfer my potted plants and hanging baskets to my shady covered porch. This keeps them out of the sun and out of the wind. potted-snake-plants-in-modern-planters-on-hardwood-keep-plants-alive

I also try to soak things as thoroughly as possible before I leave.

Closing your blinds or curtains before you leave can also provide shady conditions for indoor plants. Houseplants that enjoy full light can survive in the shadow while you are away and will not dry up as rapidly. Which definitely helps to keep your plants alive.

Keep your Plants alive using self-watering technology is an excellent way.

Watering is essential for container plants, especially if they’re left outside in hot, dry weather, because their growing medium can dry out quickly.

A lack of daily watering can weaken plants and reduce the likelihood of fruit or flower production in containers that are too small or have too many plants competing for the same amount of moisture.

The roots of a plant receive a steady stream of water from a plant waterer.Illustration-Sub-Irrigated-Planter-Keep-Plants-Alive

There are many methods for keeping your soil moist but not soggy. For example, a spike can be used by attaching a bottle of water to it and placing the spike into the soil near the roots of a plant.

Wicks, which are strings of absorbent material, can draw water from a nearby bowl or reservoir and slowly transfer it to the plant’s soil.The-Best-Automatic-Plant-Waterers-for-Your-Containers

A third method involves filling a bucket with tiny tubes and suspending it above the plants so that water flows from the bucket to the plants through gravity.
You can use any or all of these methods to keep your plants alive.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Preparation is key. Several weeks before you depart, maintain a running tally of the amount of water your plants require and how often: "Water this plant once a week with half a cup of water." Group plants with comparable watering requirements together on a waterproof floor and out of direct sunlight to save your buddy time and money.

Put water in jugs or jars of varying sizes (depending on how long you plan to be away) and tie a twine or yarn around the soil of your plant so that the water doesn't evaporate.background-barrel-bath-beauty-beverage-blank-body-bottle-bottled-canister-cap-care-chemical-clean_ In your absence, the plant's soil will remain moist thanks to the jugs of water.

Indoor plants should have a lifespan of at least two to five years on average.   However, this depends on the type of plant you have, as well as how much time and effort you put into caring for it. Some species of indoor plants can live for up to 20 years!

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