The tropical pitcher plant (Nepenthes plant) is a carnivorous Southeast Asian plant. Each leaf has a pitcher filled with digestive fluid to trap bugs, giving pitcher plants its name. You’ve found the right location to buy a Nepenthes pitcher plant! Here, you can buy unique seed-grown tropical pitcher plants. Learn more about how to take care of your Nepenthes by clicking HERE.
The Cape sundew, or Drosera capensis, is a great choice for a first carnivorous plant.
It takes sundews around 15 minutes to kill a confined bug, although they may eat it over the course of many weeks. The assassin beetle, which hides on the plant and preys on unsuspecting insects, is unaffected by the plant’s poisonous secretions. Self-pollination is a common reproductive strategy among sundew species, whereas others rely on producing seeds.
Don't ignore the lovely butterwort. Amazingly successful carnivorous plants include the butterwort (Pinguicula) species.
You may easily cultivate this carnivorous plant by providing it with bright light and water with a low salt/mineral content (less than 20 ppms). They will bloom once or twice yearly if they are happy.
Butterworts may successfully capture tiny prey on their own. They have a low caloric need and may get by on a monthly feeding schedule. Supplemental feedings with wingless fruit flies or other extremely tiny insects are beneficial for plants growing inside or in a terrarium.